

I went snowboarding at tsugaike in Nagano.
But I couldn't snowboard well...
It's okay. At least, I had great time with my friends =)



It's snowing in Tokyo.
I like snow=)


new year's visit to a shrine

2nd January, 2010.
I visited religious places when I stayed in India.
Maybe that made me feel that I wanted to visit traditional places in Japan.
I visited Tsuruoka-hachiman-gu in Kamakura.
This is very famous shrine in Japan.
Around 2.5 million worshippers visit this shrine during the first three days of the New Year.
People draw paper fortune to tell their fortunes of the year.
I drew it too.

Japanese nabe

23rd December, 2009.
I got friendly with several people who went to India with me.
One of the company organized the nabe(*) party.
It was so fun and nabe was so delicious.
We also ate tart. It was also delicious.
I love delicious things=)
Nabe means a cooking pot. And it is also a general term for all kinds of dishes cooked in pots.

flight back

I left India on 2oth December, 2009.
And I reached Japan on 21th December.
It took about one day from hotel to Narita airport.
But time passed so quickly...
I was so sad all the while I was on my way back to Japan.
It was great fun staying India...
I didn't update this blog toward the end of staying India.
Because I wanted to spend my time having fun with Indian friends and company.